2021 favourites

used a huion HS64, and got CSP in the latter half of the year.

probably the most active year i had for art, along with the most improvement. met lots of people and made and remade a ton of ocs

moved more to digital art than traditional

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頑張るぞ~!!という気持ちを込めて私のコテキャのあいりと相棒のHUION HS64を描きました😊

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Reference from:
Denji and power,I just tried my first drawing tablet huion HS64. It's much harder than drawing directly using fingers 😂 I can't even control the pen thickness cause of the free drawing app I used to draw this.

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it's already been a year since i got my tablet! (Huion HS64) 🎉🎉🎉

2021 - 2022

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I just got a Huion HS64 couple of months ago and I love it, best purchase ever, I just plug and play it to my laptop & my phone.
Here's some unfinished pieces where I used google keeps as a medium ⊂(・﹏・⊂)

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I used Huion HS64 for all of these works!!

5 23

小さいペンタブHuion HS64をお試し。wacomと比べて遜色ない!サイズが小さいから手を置く場所に慣れが必要。手が痛い。ということで、仕事の帰りにドンキ〜支払いを完全に間違って出して、全然ちゃうやないかい!とボケツッコミになった時、レジの子の笑顔が可愛いくて、すきぃ〜となる。絵は雰囲気よ

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