...again 🤝👀

Ayo, kittens, here my skelesons ✌️🐱


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This's was on the stream too, oh my babes sons💀 QwQ

Btw, hey, smoking is bad, 'kay? My son is a skeleton, he doesn't even have lungs, so..🤝👀 0w0"

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Heey, lok what I have here💀

This's my skele-sons/OC again, wow :0

-Rude words warning?-

P.s my Gee has nothing to do with G!sans from Echotale🤫

Fun fact: this come to my head because of my cat scratched my hand🤔


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(I need to warn 'bout violence or smth? Cuz, if so, here it is)
part 2

lyrics taken from: Detach - Wasted

(#HsPG) (#HsDee)

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