🌌 hsy best girl 😔💕
Art by sender

144 826

Kira-kira aktris korea yang cocok meranin hsy ver orvla siapa menurut kalian guys?

47 829

Cw // Spoiler

Hsy kayaknya ga mau banget ya ngerapalin mantranya wkwk 🌌

5 135

Setelah baca arc peace land 🌌 jadi kepikiran kalo hsy jadi anggota gg dia pasti bakal jadi tipe idol bias sejuta umat, jago banget ngambil hati orang wkwk selain itu kekuatan dia bangun fandom itulohh 🤣

17 230

Kdj bener bener nganggep hsy manusia tanpa emosi ya? 🌌

2 116

Cw // ship doksoo (?)

selalu gemes kalo liat kdj sama hsy sampingan gini 🥹 hsy keliatan kecil gemesss. Ga sabar pengen liat hsy sebelahan sama yjh jadi segemes apa 🌌

13 162


Mau tanya dong, kenapa HSY ga ikut ke 73rd demon realm yaa? aku udah baca tapi ga ngeh

10 207

🌌 kenapa ya sender tuh selalu ngebayangin suara hsy tuh lembut, jadi kayak tipe 'Demon face with angel voice' kalo kalian gimana?

7 47

major orspoiler cw // ship yoohankim

Thinking about hsy create yjh as a form of her love to kdj, send a hero to protect and save kdj until she can meet him, and yjh let his creator to destroy him, to send her love to her reader.

Even when he finally know all of his (cont..)

209 1149

🌌 hsy itu ga pendek!! itu mah yjh sama kdj aja yang ketinggian 🤧

34 431

🌌 cw // nsfw (jaga2)

Ketika Hsy lagi berbaik hati beliin cumi buat Yjh. Ytta

98 1069

Cw // ship Doksoo (?) , orspoiler (?)

Kdj kalo lagi sama hsy sender perhatiin lebih ekspresif ga sih? Kayak dia bisa ngeluarin keluh kesahnya juga, maybe karna mereka sama sama pernah baca twsa?

14 149


🌌 sender kebayang, Nirvana kan ga punya jenis kelamin kan, apakah gambarannya kayak avatarnya hsy ini😅😭

0 30


guys itu chapter terbaru orv hsy sama kdj naik mobil kah?? bukanny kdj hsy naik mobil pas udh ketemu si mass produc apa itu sender lupa namanya 😭😭😭 kalo gslah mobilnya mobil ferrari deh

9 148


Thinking about kdj ■■ is 'Eternity' in the last chapter of main story and hsy promised that she will write the epilogue for kdj, for eternity, in the last chapter of epilogue.

How it's connected to hsy ■■ is 'Neverending Story'

214 1219

🌌 sender kepikiran kalau si trio ini berasa mempresentasikan kita, sebagai manusia. Kita semua adalah readers. kita juga writer, like what hsy said that every human is their own writer. Kita juga protagonis dalam hidup kita sendiri. Hidup kita pada akhirnya sebuah cerita

265 1414

orspoiler , kdj and yjh told hsy her stories saved them

"because of the story you wrote, author-nim, i was able to survive until now" (kdj >> twsa)

"because of your story, i was able to survive until now" (yjh >> orv)

she really does write to save people 🥲

109 560

cw // Spoiler , Ship Doksoo (?) 🌌

Guys wdyt about them? I'm not sure from kdj side but hsy truly loved him more than she loved anyone or anything else?

21 302

cw // spoiler novel

Guys, arc 🌌 yg kdj sm yjh jd kakak adik, trus hsy yg nunggu sampai lupa tuh mulai chapter brp yaa, sender kangen bgt pengen reread tp lupa ini yg mana aaaaa :"

3 125