画質 高画質

ヒラサワさんの公式LANDINGポーズグラビアください。 言い値で買います。

9 44

i would prefer if they also included cat girls/hybrids more, not just humans so every living being in Sonic's world could feel more cohesive in existence with one another

1 41

Yamato hybrid form

10 43

Kawasaki [ Ninja7 Hybrid ]

75 277

HYBRID HEARTのオーディオブックがセール中だよ!
当然英語だよ!英語聴ける方は楽しんで〜!ワイは勉強中なのでリスニングと単語頑張ります! https://t.co/DCcVyQ9tOs

7 17

Babu! Zhongli hybrid minimal ernya berapa ya?

0 5


N.rajah×lowii (natural hybrids)
ネペンテス ラジャ×ローウィ(自然交雑種)

143 741

More of Gojo's dragon hybrid design

I'm actually thinking of doing a little comic (15-20pgs) for this AU hehe https://t.co/jDNlyfgrwl

100 1226

私がカバーイラスト描かせて頂いた洋書の近未来東京サイバーパンク青春アイドルもののHYBRID HEART の作者のいおり先生のインタビュー記事です!

HYBRID HEARTは英語読めればVtuberさんにも読んで欲しいなぁ

日本の密林でも電書が手に入るよー https://t.co/tUJ7WEN74e

9 21

POV: you saved a weird tiny lizard without realizing he’s actually a dragon hybrid so after giving him some spare clothes you decide to take a selfie with him. Who knows, this might be your year! 🐉

279 1611

The votes are in and across the 3 platforms I hosted polls on, the Shatseta won with 4 votes with the Oxatsetu in 2nd with 3 and the Tastseoxa with 2.

The Shatseta will become the conical hybrid of oxa and tastsetu. This will also inform me on rules for all oxa-furry hybrids.

0 14

We'll see, I actually had concepts for some of the other guns too, like here's the weird BR hybrid I made 😅

1 16

3 concepts for the half-Oxa half-Tastsetu hybrid.
Like the Tastetrotu - It follows the same rules for aquatic non-aquatic hybrids. A semi-aquatic but how that will look like I haven't decided yet.

4 50

Also a sketch I did ~

The idea for her was she was a human fox wolf hybrid designed for racing. Mixed with mecha parts to win underground competitions in a cyberpunk universe style city. She's highly saught after but also has puppy like tendency to not listen to anyone ~

1 9


1 22

コミティア146で頒布予定の新刊、Mira Animaの表紙、タイトルロゴを、
画集も担当して頂いた杉山峻輔さん【@ sskhybrid 】にデザインして頂きました🌙

14 75

babu! ada yang pakein charlotte wp ini gak? wp-nya cakep sayang klo dianggurin ssoalnya ... yang build charlotte pakai ini boleh bagi buildnya dongg. atau yang build charlotte hybrid support healer jg sender mau liat

0 4

🍶🤡(fem!) Hybrid AU

154 659