Those alt. colors look great!
I agree, these have to be in the game!
Especially 2002 Orochi Shermie 😊❤

I personally not a big fan of how the Orochi Team is now wearing Goenitz's uniform but I like how Shermie Hakkeshu is showing cleavage in KOFAS
It fits for her personality.

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Their team insignia is the CYS band logo inside the ring that was on Orochi's chest in 1997, which symbolises the Orochi Hakkeshu in the form of the eight necks of Yamata no Orochi.

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The KOF XV Ura Orochi Team uniform is based on Goenitz, the Orochi Hakkeshu leader who died in KOF '96. Before now, Yashiro, Shermie, and Chris wore it during KOF '98's credits. Even Chris's feather accessory has been reproduced.

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Feliz Cumpleaños!!!Vice!!!!🎂🎉🎊 Una asesina del clan Hakkeshu sádica toda una salvaje ruda y muy directa disfruta de romper huesos y matar a sus oponentes odia a Saisyu Kusanagi y considera a su compañera Mature como una rival

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I can see why.
The hakkeshu ladies are very gorgeous

It would be great if they appear in KOF XV and make a special team like in KOF 98 with their own picture at the end 😍

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Happy Birthday, Mature!

Tbh, Mature was my favorite KOF character when I first played KOF96 on a cab before I finally got wrapped up in 97 once I got a home port of it. My third favorite Hakkeshu behind Yashiro and Shermie.

Here's to another year of slicing people up. 💅

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Chris Hakkeshu Costume KOF AS assembled!
Download coming soon, meanwhile visit KOF All Star Wiki for download more arts:
Don't forget Follow for more arts!

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