Bakunawa via

The Bakunawa is known across the Philippines as a serpent that swallows the moon, causing lunar eclipses.

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Halimaween Day 27: Mameleu
Are large girthy sea serpents, with long tusks and a bovid-like head. It's size can be described as such as well. It emits noxious green spittle when hungry.

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Halimaween Day 22: Kimat
These lightning spirits are described as large glowing(?)white dogs. They serve as the god Kadaklan's, messengers. They land on earth with a spectacular crash signaling the deity's answers to his worshippers.

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This is a giant monkey, tail and all. It has larger than usual hands which it uses to ambush and overpower its victims.

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A horse like creature with a fiery mane and tail. It lives near Mount Pinatubo and is well known as an omen of illness and destruction.

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Ebwa are creatures that can pass as human. They do not hunt the living rather eat the deceased. To keep them from defiling graves is to place a piece of iron to ward them off.

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The Kamandag tree is strange tree because of the side-effects of dying to anything underneath it.

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Aniani is a variant on the Kapre. Sharing the same characteristics of an upright ape like creature with black shaggy hair and carrying a cigar. The real differences are its size being far larger.

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Ayutang is an Enormous bat like monster famous in myth. It is said it’s death leads to the creation of the Filipino islands Negros and Panay.

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Kurakpao a creature with thick black hair all over its body. It carries a large stick just waiting for this opportunity to bash someone over the head.

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Dwende is the most known small men of the Philippines.Careful not to insult them or step on their homes for a few do you may find yourself with a strange curse

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Bulalakaw is said to be a messenger. They appear over small bodies of water and fly across the sky like a shooting star until they reach their destination and disappear.

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Halimaween Day 12: Magtitima
Are the unseen inhabitants of large ancient trees. It requires a sacrifice of a white chicken to go across their domain. Sometimes they can be seen as white serpents slithering amongst the tangled vines of Balete trees.

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Halimaween Day 10: Pating na Pakpakan
Flying sharks! Ok, the short story attached to them is that they can leap out of the water at great heights. But won't it be cool if there are sharks in the clouds?

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Halimaween Day 6: Macaugis
Half monkey half horse, with the power of levitation. They kidnap children infested with lice. Just to eat the lice and not the kids? 🤔

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Halimaween 2021 Day 4: Ayutang
A bat-like beast that ruled a vast mountain range. Its defeat led to the destruction of its domain. Tod ay is now kno wn as Panay an d Ne gros islands.

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Halimaween 2021 Day 3: Kura-Pakao
Are beastly, unsanitary and ill tempered creatures covered in long dishevelled hair. It wields a crude bludgeoning tool that barely resembles a club to wreak havoc.

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