Hi! Sharing my 4th halo chibi artwork of my Rakshasa Locus Spartan from Trying out flame effects and continuing to develop this new style of mine! Let me know what you think! Thanks!

0 2

You know, I'm someone who believes is incapable of doing anything right anymore, so you know it's bad when I say that Ubisoft, of all companies, had a better store with than 343 does now with How bad is it? Let's take a look, a thread...

5 13

Happy Days Happy Days - Got my Fire Unicorn rewards in Massive thank you to and These look sooo good.🦄🔥💚

3 77

I'm not gonna lie to y'all: I really would love to see a Banished Goliath from Halo Wars 2 in action for

108 1823

Look who we're getting as a personal AI in 👀

140 1939

Hunter Captains are such awesome Hunters! I'm very happy to see that the Mgalekgolos received love in Halo Wars 2 in terms of new forms and Hunter variants!

I'm hoping them and Goliaths make an appearance in Just imagine the combat scenarios with them!

2 18

🔴 ¡Ya en vivo creando un nuevo concepto de Forge para

Working on a new Forge concept for Halo Infinite and some Q&A!


0 5

Spring is near and I'm giving away a couple of Adrenal AR coatings for To enter just:

🔃 RT + Follow
▶️ Reply with your top 3 from your wishlist for Halo Infinite
⏩ Tag a friend to also win

Winners announcement on Monday. Stay tuned for and news!

53 163

Let's celebrate the hype for Zeta Halo! I'm giving away an Adrenal Commando coating for To enter just:

🔃 RT + Follow
▶️ Reply with your favorite screenshot of February's Inside Infinite.

Winner will be announced on Monday. Stay tuned for and news!

109 252

So the are back in If you havent seen them then I suggest playing Halo wars 2 and the DLC. Think planet of the apes but a thousand times more terrifying! These guys have very little too loose and are extremely powerful!

2 12