Feeling like today here in Check out this print and others by our featured artist, Papiara Tukiki https://t.co/sWeQehZfEJ

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Sean & Caitlin's family has been through a rough time as he battles Crohn's disease. They're such lovely folks. Please help out with their & aside from being super helpful you can also get art from their Group Of 7 Billion. Do it https://t.co/i7EJrjDuQj

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Hey If you're joining us for the Encore Festival this weekend, remember it's cash only at the door. Tickets are available in advance online at:

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Hey The Encore Festival happens this Fri and Sat theatre. VIsit our web page for info:


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Excited to be painting a mural for our wonderful neighbours Especially since meetings = treats! Some roughs to wet your appetite.

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