I really wish to see more moments of him being an artist 💫

34 119

no thoughts, head empty, only Rise of the TMNT

9 23

I CAME TO THE TWEETSTORM WITH A NEW DRAWING :D this's a little part of my love for the show, come on,

The fandom has a lot of cool people an amazing artists!

74 305

Just look at their Lair! Rise is beautiful down to the smallest of detail! Please bring it back! !!!

17 41

Can we see more of Donnie's Tech please? They're so cool!

12 36

With Leo being the new leader, I wonder if he has to cooperate with Donnie more. By what we have so far from the movie, I feel like Donnie's tech would be need in there, so Leo is going to have to communicate well with him

12 38

I love this ep so much it really shows how strong they are as a team! 👊💥#hamatorisesback

13 36