You're not a real degen unless you're actually a degen, join us, join the family...#CNFT,

15 38

La 4e et dernière illustration pour Je le dit et le répéterais : je suis heureux et honoré d'avoir fait ces illus. Le Planning s'est toujours battu pour les droits de toutes les femmes, racisées, handies, des pers LGBTI+.. Mon indéfectible

1081 6193

Since I have no liquidity to do some shopping, I'll try to help others snag some deals. Today I will focus on a highly underrated project. Right now # 31 rarity rank on sale for 199

2 11

Part 3: A fraction of my PFP could be it's own PFP.

7 22

are handies, never take them for granted, think about it next time your nose itches...

4 10