Day 26 : Soulmate
🐍 Match from Hell 🐍

I have no idea for soulmate so~ here!
Random thoughts about future version of Tail Vipers

[ Ending Route : Queen of Tail ]

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Day 25 : Angst
😡 Last Fight 😡

“Hangfon, I didn’t come to fight you. I’M NOT YOUR ENEMY!”
“No, you didn’t… you’re binturi and you came here to die”

Normally, Hangfon hated fighting except her opponent was Tui

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Day 16 : Rock Band
🎶 Smells like teen spirit 🎶

Tui : Racha, Hangfon and me just broke up
I don't think this is the good time to get drunk

Hangfon : Electric Guitarist 🎸
Racha : Drummer 🥁
Tui : Cellist 🎻 instead of singer

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Day 11 : Dance
💕 Dance with me 💕

Sinang asked little princess for a dance in Heart festival
Hangfon : You’re turning red~ Dep la

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Day 10 : Dragon Version
🐍 The Opposite 🐓

Hangfon’s dragon ability : Mind reader
Racha’s dragon ability : Immortal skin

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Day 4 : Villain
⚔️ Throne of Tail ⚔️

“…But thick as you are, pay attention~🎵
My words are a matter of pride~”

[ Ending Route : Queen of Tail ]

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Day 2: "Tradition"

Just them dancing "Polka sa Nayon".

Sinang: Mine

(kinda late again because.. COLLEGE)

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Day 2 : Tradition
🎋 Hangfon, Sinang and Spine Tinikling 🎋

I choose Tinikling for Spine tradition because uh… they have a lot of bamboo, that’s all 😂😂😂
(And yep I cheated with this too)

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🧶 Red Rope 🧶
POV : You stand on the ground and look up to Hangfon on Tungtao’s back

I hate to draw this head angle, the hardest angle for me
but I do it anyway because it looks powerful 🤣

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Hangfon is a naughty girl and she’s bored

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Hangfon, her hair problem and her friends
Yeah, I can’t stop 🤣 it’s so fun

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Yep~ behave like a snake who control the game
but also… clumsy

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