Fred perked up after losing a lot of weight. I thought he'd last another week or so. When we got him 13 years ago, my eldest daughter thought he was a kitten. He'd shot out from under some shelves. We went to get him some special dog food...

33 26

I've got a real . I like to only tell a once - in So, I won't talk about a project I'm working on because I think it takes the fire out of the telling. That's to say, a in progress will lose its immediacy..

66 49

Have you ever felt drained after a piece of ?
Two of my (attached in comments) really knocked me for six. The first, 'Tower of Strength' was written in response to 9/11 and Grenfell. I was so shocked..

85 65

Happy Halloween - though I'm not sure 'happy' should be the right greeting - ha!

I wrote about a house in my It was based on a childhood house I passed in the dark many times. Set back and overgrown, it was really...

60 43

I thank for today's prompt at Yes. I might turn digital one day - fed up with dusting. I tried getting rid of paperback for at the charity shop. But I soon paid to claw them back. Can you get rid of stuff, reader?


24 14