Hausu of Horror is back in 2023! 🎊 Mercury is in retrograde, so we are venturing into some familiar territory and balancing out in the universe.

Bring on the onmyoji boom with the prequel to Clamp’s X, TOKYO BABYLON!

Miss Shell/


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We are celebrating Mutant Mothers at Hausu of Horror. Let’s explore what happens when your mom can’t keep it in her pants (what?)…👹

Join the demon slaying fam in Madhouse’s 1990 anime horror comedy, DEVIL HUNTER YOHKO!

Miss Shell/


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Shellcome back! Today you’re in for a real treat, and trust me, this ain’t no trick… 🎃

Prepare your body to get fully vaccinated… with fucking DEMONS as we discuss the 1995 OVA, BIO HUNTER!

Miss Shell/


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Welcome to Hausu Of Horror, my weekly Horror Anime thread!

First up is the psychic creepfest: Ghost Hunt

Ghost Hunt (‘06) explores delightfully spooky mysteries of the supernatural throughout its standalone 25-ep season

Miss Shell/


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