Hawkgirl, cover by Amancay Nahuelpan

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I really, really loved the looks that Earth 2 Hawkgirl, Kendra Munoz-Saunders, sported. There was something refreshing about the blue, un-Hawklike though it may have been, and both helmet designs were pretty great, I felt. It was a very different vibe, one I dug.

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the entirety of hawkman (2002) is the go-to run for kendra saunders as hawkgirl, it lays the basics for her characterization and even an arc that addresses her backstory!!!!

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🚨 BREAKING NEWS ! : Tom King () s’attaque à Wonder Woman, Jadzia Axelrod () à Hawkgirl, Si Spurrier () à The Flash

👉 https://t.co/hKg1DJaqqY

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Me gustaría ver más personajes femeninos, Catwoman, Hawkgirl, Rose Wilson, son ejemplos de personajes que podrían tener una historia chingona y ser personajes muy vergas dentro del DCU

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Another trade! It's Hawkgirl for Hawkgirl, as Shayera Hol has been traded from the Multiracial delegation to the SWANA/MENA delegation, where she will be Egyptian, in exchange for Kendra Saunders, who joins the Multiracial delegation as Black, Egyptian, and Latina.

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¡Rumores! 💚🦉

-El proyecto de Green Lantern aun sigue activo, pero están buscando elenco y parece que estará el Superman de Henry.

-Huntress volverá, pero para el proyecto de Nightwing y spin-off de Hawkman con Hawkgirl, si Black Adam es un éxito.

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It's official! As a result of the fan poll, Kendra Saunders, AKA Hawkgirl, has joined the SWANA/MENA delegation for the current season of the https://t.co/ecDGiYx6Ks

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All its missing is Hawkgirl, Black Canary and maybe Green Arrow. Then it would be perfect

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Between Hawkman, Angel, and Hawkgirl, how do they sleep? Do they just squat down, fluff up their wings a bit, and have their head kinda lull to the side like real birds? Do they sleep on their bellies!? Hammocks!? I have so many questions.

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Catwoman, i see. Hawkgirl, i see. A heterosexual explanation, i do not see.

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This week; Justice League
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reunites with for a new, star-studded Justice League featuring Superman, Batman, the Flash, Hawkgirl, Aquaman, Hippolyta, Naomi, and...is that Black Adam?!

0 1

I feel that Black Canary, Hawkgirl, Hippolyta and Naomi will play a very important role in the new Justice League run by and .

0 20

Well, well... might bring me back to the with this, apparent new roster for the premiere team who has & on this image he shared over

3 18

THIS SATURDAY: My at Home series concludes with the incredible talent behind ! We're also talkin about & MORE!
Subscribe & don't miss it!

15 91

And now into the Team Books (part 1):

(Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Lantern (Hal), Flash (Barry), Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Black Canary)

(Green Lantern (Alan), Flash (Jay), Doctor Fate, Power Girl, Cyclone, Stargirl, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, etc.)

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Hawkgirl, apparently, will not be getting a 80th anniversary celebration this year. This is really heartbreaking, revealing how little respect has for her. With that in mind I thought it would be nice to imagine who would have drawn her "decade variant cover".

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Re-discovering Grieve-tan is nice, I remember those threads and drawthreads that lot of artists pop up and made fan-art of her: ac120, aweopalta, jegc, themanwithnobats, geers, Bronie in the Shadows, Hawkgirl, bedrohen, luchamaster and a lot more...good times indeed.

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1: My costume plans for 2020 is up in air! But I definitely want to make Hawkgirl, Huntress, currently building a new Blue Beetle with , a new Poison Ivy, and hopefully classic Catwoman! Let’s see what 2020 has in store but cheers to a new decade! 🥳🎉🥂

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Happy Birthday to the creator of Joe Kubert! 🎉

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