one of the many tearful goodbyes this sad day, well fought ye helmetless warriors, well fought 🫡

19 303

Some helmetless Astra's that I still like (also to fill my gallery with actual art)

11 25

helmetless Drifter doodle based on canon evidence

1 3

2. Speaking of the protagonist. His design was inspired by these guys. Chiros white outfit and black spiky hair combined with the design of Helmetless Megaman hair design. Additionally his yellow eyes come from Train from Black Cat.

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Even though I made his hair black because of his main design inspiration "Chiro" The Super robot monkey team AND I directly styled his hair after a specific picture of helmetless megaman (which is basically just a generic anime boy hair style 🙃)

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helmetless AXL SO SWEEEEET🧡💛🖤
for 雀屋さん

165 487


i don't think he has hair but it's fun to draw 💜😆
and i never knew that i m so into slicked-back hair🤣🤣

57 190

Also, there's no official art of her with her helmet off, but her evolved form "Ophanimon" does have official helmetless art, so we can assume Angewomon can take off her helmet/mask thing and she'd look similar to Ophanimon here.

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Helmetless Zenith.
I'm not gonna explain stuff how he can fit his hair.

7 32

bonus bc i can't help but find helmetless Cyto adorable

21 134

Ugly Christmas Sweaters and Helmetless.
Coloring with the mouse was too crazy.😵

44 134

Fun fact: my main OC's hair is directly inspired by this picture of helmetless Megaman.

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quick headcanon for what helmetless Gabriel looks like! Decided to screw around and make him look like a greek statue :)

4 24

Helmetless Axl 😊

Trying another way of coloring his armor , i hope it looks good ^ ^

134 412

Couldn't get my drawings to look right so instead I edited official art to look like my helmetless renditions :p

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Helmetless Hexcavators lol (1/2)

21 72

MORE PROGRESS! i will be helmetless in no time...

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