Mandalay's Pyigyidagun revolutionary group continued to demonstrate on August 9, to overthrow the murderous military dictatorship.

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We feel a lump in their stingy hearts watching premiered by Paday Thar Pin YouTube Channel. It's today released and targets total digital funds to supply refugees and resistances dolefully struggling amid the military's genocide. Int'l clickers -

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Prisoners unjustly detained by military face deprivation of prisoners' rights, such as inadequate access to food & water & housing, inadequate medical treatment, sexual harassment, brutal beatings & inability to meet families. They need urgent help.

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Our revolutionary comrades who took part in on Dec10, have been deprived of many rights by brutal beatings by prison authorities & the injured are not allowed to receive medical treatment.We urge to

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Ko Zaw Htet Naing (b) Ko Sitt Naing, vice-chairman of Yangon University of Education Students' Union & Central Executive of ABFSU, was unconscious due to TORTURE IN PRISON for participating Silent Strike & has not received any medical treatment so far

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Such a heart-breaking photo!Military terrorists kill and also violently abduct innocent civilians while we raise our voice for Democracy.

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