5/ ... so-called The infamous Spanish Flu killed 675,000 Americans out of 105,000,000. It was far less lethal than COVID, but even that rate applied to our current 330 million population would be ~2,000,000 dead.

2 13

Don't worry, Miss, you're in safe hands. As part of the herd, you are part of the cure.

0 0

day 31 of my - the grand finale, it had to be didn't it?

We're all living this one & it sucks balls. won't work. Let's hope a will.

More info: https://t.co/hVaTifFm7Z

3 11

Don't believe the aliens or
is worse than
Herd Immunity means a lot more people will get sick and a lot more will die.



0 0

is trying to tell the public that the government has met the 5 tests... is back on the cards. Remember that they are strangers to the truth. Tests that didn’t exist. bought from the Turkish Delboy. Pest companies given £ millions in contracts.

2 5