Look, the Minotaur of the Maze is back, and it's hammer time! (Art: ) The Kickstarter campaign is live! https://t.co/Pc1UBiSh6D

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You can give a minion an extra die each turn without having to take down Steelwind Paladin - just toss your minion a Polar Axe! (Art: ) The Kickstarter campaign is live! https://t.co/Pc1UBj9RYb

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Steelwind Paladin limits how unfairly you can fight it, but the reward is a pretty spiffy sword that seriously buffs one of your minions. Three reputation ain't shabby, either. (Art: ) The Kickstarter campaign is live! https://t.co/Pc1UBj9RYb

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Orcish Twinfang is the perfect answer to curses and weak heroes who insist on bursting into your dungeon while you're busy plotting more important victories. (Art: ) The Kickstarter campaign is live! https://t.co/Pc1UBj9RYb

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Are your minions rolling poorly? Shake things up with a Quaking Cavern and try for some better results. Things can't be any worse for you than they already are. (Art: ) The KS campaign is live! Link in our bio.

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Can you muster enough minions to take on the Lord of Crowns? It's the hardest fight you've seen yet, but not the hardest there is - don't forget the greatest rank in card suits. (Art: ) The Kickstarter campaign is live! Link in our bio.

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Don't let a mere Roof Collapse stop you from living your best life. (Art: ) The KS campaign is live! Link in bio.

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The Archmagus of the Void takes vainglory to dazzling new heights. Similar to the Doom Knight, you'll want to pick the right followers to serve you. The KS is live! Link in our bio. (Art: )

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Frostflux for Elementals are definitely some of my favorite critters to paint!

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Frostflux can shift back and forth to attack where you need to deal damage. That flexibility is surprisingly strong, and three dice is quite a wallop. The KS live! Link in our bio. (Art: )

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The Doom Knight commands mercenaries and beasts to wage war against civilization in Join the KS campaign! URL in our bio (Art: )

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The KS campaign is live and Energized! Reach out and shock someone. Link's in our bio - if you're planning to pledge, doing so on the first days of the campaign will help Herobane get attention. (Art: )

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What fantasy game can go without a dragon? This is the most expensive minion, use it well. The KS campaign is live, link in our bio! If you're planning to pledge, doing so on the first day of the campaign will help Herobane get attention. (Art: )

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The Kickstarter campaign is live! https://t.co/Pc1UBj9RYb If you're planning to pledge, doing so on the first day of the campaign will help Herobane get attention. Give Blazeling even more reason to celebrate! (Art: )

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The Kickstarter begins in less than 12 hours!!!

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The Kickstarter campaign launches tomorrow, 1/12! The heroes are coming. Will you be their doom? The Knight of Coins looks way too smug to go un-doomed. https://t.co/Pc1UBj9RYb (Art: )

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Copperhead Lackey is the first piece of artwork illustrated for It was done to illustrate a snake costuming theme for the mercenaries, and that theme stuck. Kickstarter starts 1/12! https://t.co/Pc1UBiSh6D

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Everyone needs a little Fireball in their life. Two red chips for four damage isn't shabby; that can sometimes take out a hero or curse all on its own. (Art: )

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One of my faves for Herobane. She has a bright future that totally doesn't involve becoming your undead minion. >.>

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Even the most loyal minions aren't above a little moonlighting. With Callous Bribery, you can coerce one of your opponents' minions to visit your dungeon and smack around an invading hero. See the rest of the rules at https://t.co/HaOLstRJFA (Art: )

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