so if mitsuki is hikoboshi then who is his orihime... wait

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speaking of tanabata i just found out mitsukis outfit is basically sasukes hikoboshi outfit down to the pants

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Orihime: “Long time no see, Hikoboshi✨Actually, we are sisters, aren’t we?”
Sister Orihime✨

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承花 Hikoboshi & Orihime (ouji???) parody
English ver.

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"It's so cute of Hikoboshi to want to spend Tanabata with you~"

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Announcing our Hikoboshi/#silverthehedgehog !

I absolutely love working with Kelp, and we had such a great time in the recording session for and 's comic, "The Princess and the Cow Herder."

You will love this gold-(silver?)-hearted character!

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Day 6 - Orihime & Hikoboshi

Dreaming of the day I’ll see you again

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// yume , KaoShii

🦊Say aa, princess

🍦???? Fox?

Hikoboshi berubah jadi rubah 🦊🦊
Met malming ~

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Day 4: Forbidden

✨Orihime and Hikoboshi✨


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In my past work, "Tanabata Monogatari", the Great Triangle of Summer, Towa is the Orihime and Riku is the Orihime.Towa is the Orihime, Riku is Hikoboshi, and Deneb is Rion the bridge between them.

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[🦋] I'm always grateful to be able to do a live together with Hokkyun and this picture will always preserve my memories of that day as Orihime ans Hokuto as my Hikoboshi

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characters based on emojis i recieved (☂️ 🛼 🌙 and ⭐ 🦋 🍃) their names shall be Hikoboshi and Orihime

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Orihime e Hikoboshi
Historia de amor entre dos estrellas

Cuenta una leyenda en Japón que una princesa de excepcional belleza, llamada Orihime (la estrella Vega, en la constelación de Lyra) se enamoró de un pastor llamado Hikoboshi (la estrella Altair, en la constelación Aquila).

3 17

*What do you mean I'm one day late?*

Anyways, two new alts, including my second Ringo alt (Wooo!) and another Tee.

And yes, they're based on Orihime and Hikoboshi, how did you guess?

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My favorite image of Altair and Vega (Orihime and Hikoboshi)..

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Hoy se celebra en Japón el , el día en que por fin Orihime y Hikoboshi se encuentran. ¿Habéis pedido ya vuestro deseo?

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7/7 23:15~


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• Dalam video game Conan Runner.
Di sini, karakter Ran dan Shinichi menggunakan kostum Orihime dan Hikoboshi karena mereka jarang bertemu. Harapannya, supaya mereka bisa saling melepas rindu.

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El tanabata: según la leyenda es el encuentro de las estrellas Orihime y Hikoboshi, las cuales solo se pueden reunir una vez al año🎋✨❤️ El séptimo día del séptimo mes lunar❤️

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