Zero vs Hittite Hottaid

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1/ One of the most interesting themes of the LBA in the Eastern Mediterranean is the relations of the Mycenaean Aegean with the Hittites. Hittite texts provide us with some interesting information about Mycenaean involvement in Western Anatolia between 1400-1250 BC.

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. 『古代ヒッタイトの銀髪の王子)』
((Ancient Hittite silver-haired prince))

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7/ chapter 5 covers the famous Battle of Kadesh, revealing the ideological themes of the king's elaborate record of the battle & the tactics & weaponry of the Egyptian & Hittite armies

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2/ chapter one introduces the main themes of the book: ancient Egyptian ideology & relations with the Hittite empire

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3/ Chapter 6: Great of Victories: Ramesses II’s Later Wars
Chapter 7: All the King’s Wives: Ramesses II’s Royal Women
Chapter 8: The Royal Children and their Ideological Role
Chapter 9: The Path to Peace: International Diplomacy and the End of the Egyptian-Hittite Conflict

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Captured Hittite Warrior,
12-13th century BC

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Moving to bronze age; Hittite women wandering after late bronze age collapse

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And just like Odysseus, Hittites too consulted ghosts for advice and knowledge about the future.
Unlike the homeric heroes, the hittites only allowed the most experienced experts to conduct necromantic rites due to the significant risks involved in raising the dead.

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Todays late night sketch:
No, this is not a hittite, nor a roman, this is the Cheyenne warrior "Alights on the Cloud" who somehow aquired an iron scale armor as well as a sword. There are no photos of it.

In 1852 he died in battle against the Pawnee when an arrow hit his face.

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1/4 My book tells the story of the Battle of Kadesh & chariot warfare in Late Bronze Age. Chariots were elite, high-tech vehicles. More like fighter jets than tanks. They were fragile and "high maintenance

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My upcoming book on Ramesses II includes a chapter on the famous Battle of Kadesh against the Hittites. Who won? Read and find out. My editor is a Hittiteologist. No Hittites harmed in making of my book

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even more: Hittites, Parthia, Scythia and Amazigh (bereber) Tribes

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Sooo, Teostra are around as tall as Gil is purported to be in the Hittite Epic (~11 cubits) 🤔

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Red River (1995)
Yuri is pulled into the past of the Hittite Empire in Anatolia by Queen Nakia, who means to use her as a sacrifice. Yuri's blood is the key element needed to place a curse upon the princes so that they will die, leaving Nakia's son as the sole heir to the throne

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You might not believe what I'll tell you:

Warhammer (Fantasy and 40k)
Hittite, Thai, and Slavic mythology
Star Wars' Expanded Universe
My Little Pony (especially Gilda and gryphons)

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Two bird sisters based on ancient Hittite art. I gave them modern clothing because I felt like it.
Idea by

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Plague was metaphorically attributed to Apollo's arrows or arrows of Hittite goddess Irra.
Centaur Nessus was killed with Heracles' arrows dipped in the venom of the Hydra serpent--representing arrows actually tipped with viper venom in antiquity

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Sora wa akai kawa no hotori (connu sous le nom Anatolia Story) ! Une lycéenne se retrouve transportée 2000 ans av. J.-C. en plein empire Hittite par la reine Nakia, qui souhaite l'utiliser en sacrifice ! Avec l'aide du prince réussira t-elle à rentrer chez elle ?
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