2 25

The Shirou/Sakura moments continue to be very good. Also just got done with two Eclipse Anyways, I'm 60% into the VN right now

0 8

Going through Hollow Ataraxia at an incredible pace, which to be fair shouldn't be too surprising due to it being such a blast whilst simultaneously also being such a breeze as well

0 19

50% into the VN right now by the way. Just got done with the Saber versus Archer fight

0 11

What made me really like Sakura in HF was her role as an antagonist and dynamic with Rin whereas her romance and SoL scenes didn't work all that well. Here, there's been a vast improvement as they highlight what makes her character work much better in my opinion

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Really enjoying the Sakura scenes in here centered around her getting more comfortable and confident in her own skin and coming into her own as a person. Wish that element was even more in focus in more of her scenes but I'm appreciating what we're getting

2 19

Rider has one of my favorite designs in F/SN and I love that this VN is taking advantage of it's potential

0 19

This scene to suck apparently 💀#HollowMissingRin

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This loop ended up being very Saber centric

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This scene took me out as well

0 10

It seems I have underestimated Saber's comedic potential 😭#HollowMissingRin

0 12

All the interactions involving Avenger are such a blast 😭#HollowMissingRin

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She's an icon, she's a legend and she is the moment. Now c'mon now

0 8

I am also liking Bazett as well. The dynamic between her and Avenger is honestly kind of a blast, honestly. Definitely going to have a lot of fun following around their storyline

0 11

Hello Rin, my beloved. I haven't had the privilege to bask in your greatness in the past two years. Also, goodbye Rin. See you again in a couple of weeks in the second half of the game😭#HollowMissingRin

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