Theme 5: Symbiote

Prompts for Swordtember
Piercing cordyceps is a type of fungus that fuses with it's hosts in a symbiotic relationship.

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Theme 4: Sanguine

Prompts for Swordtember
This item provides an endless supply of blood. Speak the command word and the decanter will shoot several blades made out of blood.

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Theme 1: Predatory

The Tumorous Hunter is a cursed blace that spreads it's deadly disease to both wielder and victim

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✨💙 3/3 Magic items from our campaign! This compas was a very cheesy and romantic gift my character Ezramos gave to his partner Wren (lovable npc)✨

Huge thanks to the lovely for writing these descriptions! 💙

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Quick design for a magic item that will be appearing in my campaign very soon

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One of Thom’s favourites, the Stunning Stake, inspired by ’ classic, Buffy the Vampire Slayer!

What BBEG have you been wanting to drive a Stake through the heart of in your campaign?

Once again, gorgeous art by

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ITEM is up on Instagram!

Thanks to for the inspiration on this for the Stroller of the Child.

For when you just HAVE to adopt that demon child you met in that nightmare once.

@ your party’s Mama Bear and let us know what you think!

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Star in a jar.
Emits light and heat through anything except metal, but is bearable to the touch. Upon breaking illuminates a radius of 200ft like daylight. Any creature within 50ft of a released star will be blinded and suffer severe burns.

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