Tips for when you encounter a supernatural being. 1) Do not be afraid. 2) Make sure to introduce yourself. They might just know your family!

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Let's take a moment to appreciate this magnificent piece of artwork this Monday. Which is better? Zoomed in or Zoomed out?

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We don’t know about you but for us weekends are all about catching up with long lost friends - Two legged, four legged or in some cases winged.

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ఇంతకీ ఫిట్జ్ ఎవరు? తెలుసుకోవాలంటే ఆదివారం రండి.

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A sure shot way to avoid getting run over by the truck of doom. Find yourself a superhuman saviour.

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For those of you fighting the fact that Monday is here, remember “Resistance is futile.” Happy Monday Toonies. Let’s fight those together shall we?

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Some weekends are all about activity while some others are all about hitting that snooze button. Go ahead. Hit it.

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What do you do when you’re turning into a bloodthirsty creature but you’re actually a vegetarian? Sound off in the comments.

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సమరానికీ, సరసానికి మధ్య చిన్న గీటు ఉంది. బాహుబలి దానిని అతిక్రమించాడు.

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இப்படி அனைத்தையும் புகைப்படம் எடுக்கும் உங்கள் நண்பர்களை டேக் செய்யுங்கள்.

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There's power in words. If you and your friends or team are struggling with something, say it with us now "We can do it."

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We are happy to announce the winners of our "Create a Webtoon" contest. Our Jury Award winner, Dheeraj Kumar, and the Fan Favourite, Raj Chowdhury. Show them some love for their talents and skills!

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Anyone up for some mind math this Monday? Archer and Armstrong challenge you to get the answer right.

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For the cat lovers in the house. What do you think your cat is thinking?

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