morning, i'm looking for kawanbabu to fill up my dry timeline. legal, alhaitham main, AR 59 btw. a pro yapper abt zhongli bcs he's my wife. minor homophobic dni yaa. leave a trace and ill hit up, thank you!

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I'm back from locking myself away for a few days yesterday, already on my legal age & pronouns she/her. Luckily if you like cats cuz i love to post mine on my timeline, looking for kawanbabu who's legal, not homophobic and small account. Reply anything and i'll hit you up.

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hi sender lagi cari kawanbabu untuk meramaikan tl karena baru balik dari hibernasi. sender main HSR juga, zhongli & blade's husband. minor & homophobic dni yaa. leave a trace and ill hit you up!

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HIIII i am looking for new interactive kawanbabu yang nggak masalah aku berisik banget di timeline dan suka jbjb (dan sering bahas tentang real life juga) :3 i go by she/they & sudah legal. Minor under 17 dan homophobic maaf DNI dulu ya‼️ reply with anything (tmi (cont..)

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hello, i'm looking for genshinmoots untuk meramaikan tl karena baru balik dari hibernasi. sender main HSR juga, zhongli & blade's husband. minor & homophobic dni yaa. leave a trace and ill hit you up, lovelies!

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hy ak mw cari kawanbabu yg suka interaksi N tdk mslh sm ak yg suka berisik di tl dan suka sm byak ship 🐱 Q 🎮 haitham (Ayayo jga). aQ dh lgal yh ‼️mnor ma homophobic gk dlu iy (jgn sedih) 😔 reply dengan “P” untuk berteman 😏😏😏

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Halo, sender mencari kawanbabu, tidak masalah dengan typing semi formal. I'll go by She/They, sender masih minor (17), Arlecchino main. Sender menerima semua akun, leave a trace and I'll hit you up. Harap check bagian followers takut tidak masuk mentab.

Homophobic dan (cont..)

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Artist! Aku mau mulai aktif lagi di art acc jadi mau nyari 🐄🐄‼️‼️ fandomku sekarang condong ke kpop (zb1, riize, bnd) might as well be rps-focused. Minor and homophobic dni, kinda selective 👋👋

0 13

Haii! Lagi dalam misi mencari kawanbabu nih, ada yang mau berteman? Leave a trace yapp :D (minor & homophobic dni sorry!)

Anw aku ngeship Ayathoma, Xiaoven, Haikaveh :o adakah yg samaa?

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selamat malming wargaaa! adakah yang mau menjadi genshinmoots ? senderr goes by any pronouns, n also a minor! homophobic & heavy nsfw strictly dni. drop ur tmi (or anything, frankly) n i'll appear on ur mentab! see ya

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[Tititpan] mau setor art! akhirnya wip abadi selesai juga fyuhh.. btw ada yg mau ber☁️ tidak? akunku masih baru. minor sama homophobic dni dulu yaa

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Hello everyone!! Im currently looking for kawanbabu to jb2 that have no problem with befriending a small account. My pronouns are he/him and already on legal age. Im a childe/xiao main and currently saving for clorinde. Minors and homophobics strictly DNI, other that (cont..)

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kny! haloo, lagi mau nambah mutual yang ga masalah kalo sender sering jb jb 🙏

homophobic, minor, hard kpop dni ya!! ⍤
tinggalkan jejak di rep ☝️

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Hello, I'm looking for kawanbabu to light up my timeline. I go by he/him and legal age, AR 57 as Childe and Ayato mains. Don't worry, my account is safe for minors, but homophobic strictly DNI.

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Setoran wip art! siang ini gusy-gusy sekalian. Btw ada yang mau bersahabat sama akugak please mau,, gue friendless bgt.. as long as you're not a homophobic I'll hyu asap!

0 21

tehe! greetings, i'm looking for genshinmoots to interact with. i go by any pronouns, legal, and i'm a thoma main. pllease leave a trace and i'll hyu. minor and homophobic dni.

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Hi! I'm here looking for kawanbabu yang ga masalah sama akun campur-campur. heterophobic, homophobic, problematic dni yaa. Leave a trace and I'll hit u up! (pic collei sayangku sebagai pemanis <3)

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Good evening, travelers. I'm now looking for a kawanbabu to be friends with. I go by he/him, a wriothesley main, and on legal 20+ age. Homophobic and minor dni

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Tehe! Hai! mau nyari interactive genshinmoots to fill up my timeline yang gamasalah sama akun gado2 -s. I’ll go by she/her & legal, no zhongli no life. homophobic dni ya 🫶🏻. i will love your rep and follow with ava baizhi

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genshinmoots, temenan sama Wanderer main satu ini? homophobic dan 17- do not interact, terimakasih.

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