Hey , ever heard of HorrorVale?
I heard Act 1 is Free.

3 15

The Make Your Monster Tournament is Officially OVER!!!
In THIS thread, the Winners will be announced. One, chosen by you the community, the other two, chosen by Matt and myself. Who will be the lucky three to make it into HorrorVale? Let's see....

8 31

It's time. Many contestants entered and fought bravely, but now stands only 2. It's up to you. Who will get a one way ticket to HorrorVale?
Vote Now.

10 52

How would look if he were in HorrorVale? Maybe somethin like this...

5 41

Have an interesting concept for a character you'd like to be a resident of HorrorVale? Depending on the tier, they can become an NPC, Enemy, Mini-Boss, or even a Party Member!
So far 5 Party Member slots have been filled, with 5 left!

2 29

Want to talk to the devs as well as other fans of HorrorVale? Don't forget to check out the Official HorrorVale discord!

3 5

Want to help the development of Well now you can! We're happy to finally announce our page! You should check it out! These rewards are downright SPOOKY!!!

8 31