Happy !!
Star Wars Rebels Seson3 最終回 "Zero Hour"が放送された3月25日は、無事に帝国を脱出したKallusさんをお祝いし、HotKallusを与えてくれた制作陣に感謝する日です☺️

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by the light of Lothal moons
or to quote mistr3ssquickly when I showed her some wip of this:
“ Ohh it comes in three flavors! Bastard, rat, and hot “

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Give this man a stick and he’ll bop ya on the head!

6 24

kallusぬいぐるみ('ω')#HotKallusDay のみなさんがハートつけまくってるからさ……愛されてるね…… それにふぃろーにもハート散らしてたし仕方ないよね

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random information about kallus because im just going to use as an excuse to tweet about nothing but him

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Happy !!!!
2年前の今日「Zero Hour」が放送されました。

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I'm late but Happy Day

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Since today is day I did something quick before bed. You have the Heart of a Rebel. do not repost this anywhere without my permission, thank you :)

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some HotKallus we deserve after this week

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Formal apology to fandom. SWRebels made a thing. I failed to start when he had basically the same storyline

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We interrupt your regularly scheduled porgs to bring you


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Oh boy.. When will Rebels next season start? 😭 btw i hope we will get some Ahsoka too besides 😂

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