21:00- Well that’s all folks! Thank you for being here for today’s tweets! I’ll leave you with this Platypus beetle to wave you off (yes, that’s a real beetle genus!) ❤️👋

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20:00- It’s almost bedtime! That means it’s bedtime story time for this Silphid beetle and its larva. Silphids are known to be excellent parents ❤️

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19:00- How about a nice bath to relax this evening? That’s what this whirligig beetle has planned. He’s got his rubber ducky ready! 🛁

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17:00- Lots of insects hide away when the weather is bad. Not this lady though, she doesn’t mind a spot of rain ☔️

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13:00- I hope you have all had a nice lunchtime! This Curculio weevil is just sitting down to a big bowl full of their favourite food. 🥗

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12:00- This Oulema loves knitting. It keeps his mind and hands (tarsi) busy... well two of them at least!

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11:00- This tortoise beetle is sporting a fetching red handbag. Why? Because with an outfit this special, you just HAVE to accessorise!

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Did ruin your plans to find rad beetles with your pals? Well today is your lucky day! Coz I’m bringing the beetles to YOU!With HOURLY BEETLE DRAWINGS! That’s right,every hour from9-9 you get a NEW beetle doodle dilivered direct to your eyeballs

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