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Il 1879 battaglia navale di Le navi cilene Esmeralda e Covadonga combattono contro i vascelli peruviani Huascar e Independencia. L’Huascar affonda l’Esmeralda e la Covadonga costringe l’Independencia ad arenarsi. In battaglia muore il cap. cileno Arturo Prat.

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Jode la división politica del Perú, cuando la izquierda conservadora y derecha conservadora deberian unir fuerzas para invadir Chile y aprovechar para recuperar el Huascar.

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21 May 1879. of During the Pacific war, the Chilean wooden under Arturo faced the peruvian under Miguel Grau. The Esmeralda sunk, but the sacrifice of Prat became an inspiration for chileans during the

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Gravity on the Earth's surface varies by around 0.7%, from 9.7639 m/s2 on the Nevado Huascarán mountain in Peru to 9.8337 m/s2 at the surface of the Arctic Ocean.
https://t.co/faJCbnYIEw https://t.co/PARCxsmPjW

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The Naval Combat in the Pacific (Battle of Pacocha), between HMS 'Shah' and 'Amethyst' and the Peruvian Rebel Ironclad Turret Ram 'Huascar' off Ilo, Peru, 29 May 1877. The battle was indecisive, but saw the first combat use of the torpedo.

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