Out today! HYPER/AWARE is at your local comic shops!
This is a 24-page sci-fi thriller for fans of Twilight Zone and Black Mirror.
Please pick up a copy today and tag me in any posts!

A: Debora Lancianese

9 20

Being awake IS the nightmare!
HYPER/AWARE is in comic shops tomorrow from 🤘
Make sure to pick up this sci-fi thriller when you can. 🪐🚀
A: Debora Lancianese


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We’re only 1 week away from HYPER/AWARE dropping in comic book shops.
Then the following week, CAFFEINATED HEARTS will be brewing at your LCS too. ☕️🤎
I hope you all pick up a copy of each!
Enjoy the videos below 👇

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Just 2 more weeks until HYPER/AWARE hits the shelves. 😱
And only 3 weeks from CAFFEINATED HEARTS brewing at your LCS. ☕️🤎
I hope you’re as excited as I am for these comics!!! 😃

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“After three astronauts are stranded in deep space, they learn that only two of them will be able to enter hypersleep for the long return home. But when the two astronauts wake up, they discover something horrible has happened while they were unconscious!”

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🚨 Portraits Giveaway 🚨
058: Hyperawareness

1️⃣ Join our Discord: https://t.co/CNgF39Ckon
2️⃣ Like and RT
3️⃣ Tag 3 friends

Check the collection: https://t.co/Ljg3u83SY0

Winner in 48hrs on Discord

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i got sucked into this for 6 hours and I'm hyperaware of every flaw but im really happy with it anyway 🥲

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🖤 Neoma the fairy of Shadows

🖤 She's a princess, the princess of a fairy species made from black magic (said to be a bad omen)

🖤 Reserved and prefers the quiet, she keeps to herself making her hyperaware of sounds, people, and her surroundings

🖤 She can blend into shadows

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i'm becoming hyperaware of my own panic

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✨ My Life as an Internet Novel ✨
▪︎slice of life, isekai

dani wakes up in a world exactly like her own...but it follows romance novel tropes. she goes through life with her weird little group of friends, hyperaware of the genre she's in. it's so funny

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you are now hyperaware of naked gabumon

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Hello, have some dream log things I’ve hyperfixated on because of their consistency;
witness my hyperaware descent into madness [sick guitar riff]
Also probably witness twitter eat the quality on these but that’s fine...

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Before I sleep tonight I just want to blurb this:

I'm glad people like Maki. I've been hyperaware since conceptualizing her recent incarnation that she wasn't going to be very likeable. After all, she's not a good person all around. She's morally gray, even a villain in modern-

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