Phew.... talk uploaded, not perfect but hey ho, nothing ever is! And its community that counts - can't wait to hear all the cool science. I am also doing an author chat on the 23rd - about - come & visit!

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Water low & slow enough on the Susquehanna that rafts of detached male flowers are all just hanging around the plants that released them. Way cool water syndrome ready for new rains.

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Bucknell Biology is less than one week away from hosting a seminar by . Word on the street is that the talk is going to be, like, way good.

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You need money for travel and research. We've got money to give for travel and research. So what are you waiting for? Apply today (some deadlines are tomorrow!) at!

16 22

"A love like ours doesn't come around every day..." our latest by . Corpse flowers can take more than 10 years to bloom! And they smell like rotting meat! If that doesn't say we don't know what does!

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Beautiful images of women scientists including E. K. Janaki-Ammal an Indian botanist

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