A preview of the Dagon Card from the Advent Universe Trading Card Series 3 Cards that are being developed...this will be the best series yet!!

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I'm Advent Comics and I make comics...lots of comics!! You can get our comics on our website, your comic shops, Kickstarter, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Comixology/Comixology Unlimited, DriveThruComics, IndyPlanet and Kindle.

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On June 26th, we launch the tenth anniversary celebration book FACETS on Kickstarter and boy do we have some goodies lined up for you!!

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Oh yeah before I forget here's a quick glimpse of what is coming your way in five short months!! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages I give you...FACETS!!

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Here is the finished cover for our upcoming tenth anniversary special project cover. Colors by the awesome Hedwin Zaldivar.

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