HD versions of the dream image. One looks so simple with no shading and the other is with all the shades. | https://t.co/1pD4qdlvD5 |

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Life-A-Live's Japanese version is now available to play. [異世界伝説: 愛花龍がプレイ可能に]
Download here | ここからダウンロード: https://t.co/9VFRXKPm6x

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[異世界伝説: 愛花龍] - 【矢印キーと数字を入力し、暗闇から大地を再生させる。会話はありません。言葉もありません。】

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While the goes into full swing - while I don't enter gamejams due to lack of time - I do have a full complete game out which focuses on a Phoenix in your party :)

Meta Revelations is a cool, complete game you probably haven't played.

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Finally I find the time to share here my entry for the
The Respawn Banter, a game about a hero who meets the goddess of life every time he dies!


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[異世界伝説: 愛花龍] - 【闇の世界で生まれ変わったフラワーブルームと愛の騎士は、世界に生命を取り戻すための方法を見つけなければならないのです。】発売日:2022年8月13日

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The Love Aura Knight loves hugs. He genuinely wants to bring love to those around him. https://t.co/NymIbEJFob |

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Good day, everyone!
The voting period for IGMC is already started, so, why don't you be one of the first people to rate our game?
A JRPG where you get stronger after you lose.
The game can be checked out right here: https://t.co/lbA3GkTWnl

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This past month I've been developing a game for IGMC Game Jam
A JRPG where you have the power of resurrection to defeat a powerful being

Play and vote for the game here: https://t.co/lbA3GkTWnl

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Angelic Virtues now has a gamepage at rmn! Check it out: https://t.co/jUA3WTTCMM
It's a short scifi/fantasy rpg about a team of magical girls defending their spaceship home against evil alien insects. It's pretty good, imo.

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After a long month, I have released a game for the game jam called Novus Anlus!
It's a short little adventure game about an alien trying to fix their ship.
Feel free to play it!


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Did you like Life Eternal? You can vote for it now in people's choice for Please vote! Show this necromancer and his skeles some love!

Thank you for all the support so far!💖

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I've been working on my free time on a short RPG Maker game made for the IGMC 2022 Game Jam with some friends. It's called Ipomoea, time was killing us so expect a few errors here and there lolol.


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