もし俺が俗に言う「無敵の人」だったら、ゲーフリとILCAに「ポケモンBDSPにDLC等の新要素をぉおおお! 新 要 素 を お願いしまぁあああああす!!」ってアマミヤ先生風に直談判出来たんだろうけどさ。


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I’ll give ILCA one thing:

Their range is nothing to sneeze at.

3 24

I don't know why this: is trending but let's appreciate ILCA and Junichi Masuda for making:
Dawn's team anime reference in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl.

Oh.. She's also the best indeed.🌠🌙✨

82 882

Ilca AS-97 何について調べますか?

4 16


プロジェクト東京ドールズ 公式設定資料集 (書籍)(再販)[ILCA]

40 72


プロジェクト東京ドールズ 公式設定資料集 (書籍)[ILCA]


44 83

ダイパリメイク「あの輝きを再び 」

4 9

or are trending, can we all agree that this game is pretty much dead unless and/or do something. I wish for Platinum DLC because that fixed a lot of the problems last time, the Battle Frontier and for the love of God HISUIAN FROMS!

1 1

Shoutouts to the Cowgirl design that later got almost one-to-one stolen for Sun and Moon's Pokemon Breeders. It's not surprising at all this ended up being one of the better adaptations into 3D, ILCA had a pretty solid foundation to work with already lol

0 3

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl ART Book cover illustrations by Eriko Fujiwara (藤原枝里子) from ILCA, Inc.

Fujiwara was credited as Graphic Design Leader for BDSP.

2103 7743

Por favor Dona Ilca, dá pra nós um wallpaper desse pra cada encontro lendário do Ramana Park (já que a mão caiu na hora do Battle Frontier kkkk). Tá muito lindinhoooo.

12 257

What is wrong with you GameFreak/ILCA? Actively coping and seething.

I'll have to go back and tell the younger me, who though that ORAS was the greatest game ever, the bad fucking news.

0 22


本日2021年10月14日発売いたしました【アイドルマスター スターリットシーズン】(発売元:株式会社バンダイナムコエンターテインメント ©窪岡俊之 ©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.)に、携わらせていただきました!

304 694


プロジェクト東京ドールズ 公式設定資料集 (書籍)[ILCA]


23 42

interesting comparison between the BDSP and Pokemon renders

noticed this a while back but ILCA sampled the Gen 4/5 sprite colours in Home for some reason, seems they went back on it with the Sinnoh Remakes

(they also look 200x better)

34 427

look at this landshark boyo here, ILCA did a good job with this render :>

1 49

Me enteré que hace unos dias que Bandai Namco junto con ILCA, quienes están haciendo SP y BD, harán una nueva entrega de Ace Combat, a mas de su aniversario numero 25.

0 1

I think it's amusing how ILCA was like "Oh you don't like that your only options for fire types are Infernape and Rapidash? Well here, an entire area where you can catch all the fire types you could ever want"

In the originals you could only catch Numel in the post-game 👀

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