It's a new year, and the still goes on! Stream over 20 soundtracks from the on my channel today! There's still more to come, we're not even close to being done with this album!

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I'm proud to announce that the is returning THIS WEDNESDAY with "The Sorcerer Supreme"!

If you've been following it, you'll know I attach trailers to the soundtracks. With that said... it WON'T be the trailer that's dropping today.

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If you haven't done it yet, DO IT NOW! Stream the greatest soundtracks from in the continuous album titled I.N.F.I.N.I.T.Y! You won't be disappointed! Don't forget to share using the hashtag

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3 days to go, and the resumes! A dedication to the Pro-Registration and Anti-Registration movement! Starting off on the list is "This Is The Civil War", being released on July 1st, this Sunday!

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