0LÁ [[Internet]] !! H0J3 TR4G0 [[Notícias]] !! !

A S3GUND4 ED1ÇÃ0 D0 [[Torneio de Beleza™]] IRÁ AC0NT3C3R !! C4S0 S3 INT3R3SS3 , R3SP0ND4 EST3 [[Post]] AQU1 3M B41X0 N0S [[Comentários]] ! !!

L3MBR4ND0 QU3 SÃ0 [[32]] V4G4S LIMIT4D4S !! ENTÃ0 S3J4M RÁP1D0S !!! !

16 53

[ Sous forme de fiches, le livret « Protégez la vie de vos enfants » de rassemble informations et conseils pratiques pour aborder le sujet de la protection des avec les et les initier à une pratique raisonnée. https://t.co/6EPAdCeRrm

11 20

OLÁ [[Internet]] !! V3NH0 C0M UM [[Questionamento]] IMP0RT4NT4 P4R4 V0CÊS ...

V0CÊS C0STUM4M T0M4R SU4S [[Próprias]] D3CISÕES ?? V0CÊS SÃ0 0S [[Escritores]] D3 SU4S PRÓPR14S HISTÓRI4S ??

OU ...
[[alguém]] F4Z ISS0 P0R V0CÊ ?

6 47

[#boysoninternet] waaaaa just realized i never posted these properly

7 15

[throws a cyberverse rodders sketch onto the internet]
figured i should draw stuff that's...not IDW/G1 style robots sometime, lol

34 123

, so I am literally doing nothing this Christmas, so, yeAh another quick drawing, I PROMISE I WILL DO A BETTER ONE BUT I HAVE NO IDEAS FOR THE BG OR ANYTHING!!!
ALSO <3 [heart]

2 35

He thought of all the things he could have done with them together, buying bacon, coffee, even more bacon. And maybe, just maybe, a slice of true happiness. But the universe had other plans for this thicc dough. This wad... was going to [Utilities and Internet] heaven.

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