El 16 de noviembre de 1945 se anunció oficialmente el descubrimiento del americio y del curio en una reunión de la American Chemical Society.


3 11

United Nations International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Clements: Arsenic https://t.co/n0z9DJjNJB

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Linus Pauling was awarded the in chemistry in 1954. Learn more about his life and work: https://t.co/03PO0uUF6V

(Image: caricature of Pauling by J.C. Weller, 1931 https://t.co/veewV6JkR5)

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Despite the name these critical metals are actually fairly abundant. In fact, Cerium, which is used in many industrial processes, is more abundant than copper!

3 4

350th anniversary of the discovery of the element and 150 years from invention of periodic table of chemical elements ⚗ Based on we develop the map of topsoil phosphorous(mg Kg-1). High values in West Europe. More info &data https://t.co/I7fcESc6UN

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One night in 1669, a German physician heated a mixture of sand, charcoal, and urine in an effort to discover the Philosopher's Stone. He found something else instead. https://t.co/8EGikj1dBg

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I don't know about you, but this periodic table always makes me feel a little wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey. But you don't have to be to see it! Just visit the digital collection. https://t.co/DgpDYdoZ19

4 27

Here's the Ytterbium samples. Soft enough to chop up with bolt cutters, which generated a faint burning smell (all f-block elements oxidise easily). Will be interesting to see how long the samples keep their lovely golden colour.

3 17

Today is the birthday of Dr Dmitri who discovered the periodic law of chemical elements!
今日は元素の を発見した さんの誕生日です!

3 6

What do you think is the element with the largest atomic number in the PDB?

9 24

Florence Bascom, elementa 19 fue geóloga, gracias a ella conocemos cómo se formaron las montañas.
image: https://t.co/TfsT2eJTNS

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