Hi! This is the commission I've made of Togga (swashbuckler tabaxi, played by ) for the 2nd season of In her latest adventures, Togga found a piwafwi and decorated it with peryton feathers and a shiny brooch.

❤️& 🔃 appreciated😊

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This is the commission I've made of Erick for the second season, a gloom stalker ranger from Bryn Shander in His eyes glow with a purple light, a sign of the powers he has due to experiments made on him using chardalyn whe he was a kid.
❤️& 🔃 are appreciated☺️

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He's Erik, a fearless gloom stalker ranger from Bryn Shander who will be playing He's been out of his city and information has reached his ears that a terrible winter is sweeping away everything he once called home.
I've made this portrait for 🏹

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for my character Marybeth Fildret, human diviner from Waterdeep and saviour of the

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Lady Fildret of Waterdeep, my old main char in First time I drew her in colour.

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