Ichibei is here! My favorite Bleach character! 😍

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Ichibei Hyôsube

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Byakuya also tells Ichigo that he is the second person to ever see his Senkei Senbonzakura (or his "True" Bankai). Ever wondered who the first person to ever see his true form? Ichibei

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This implys there has been more than 1 Captain Commander. But hasn't Yama always been the commander? Was Ichibei at 1 point classed as one when Yama was a mercenary?
Was this intentionally a lie? Did Kubo plan to elaborate or maybe scrapped the idea?

(隊長) Commanding Officer

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Also extra trivia. Ichibei dealt with the use of Yamamoto's Bankai REAL QUICK https://t.co/1uBxt5ptiX

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Traditional mineral and soot inks, Octopus ink, Japanese washi made by 9th generation paper making master Ichibei iwano, handmade fish glue from a nenue.

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Ça me fait doucement rire quand j'en vois dire que la commu Bleach est pas cancer

Bref un mec fait un vs Tobio vs Ichibei, truc classique. Un vs quoi

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アメリカで で2万人逮捕。軍事情報 近く南北コリアが統合するだろう。中台でホワイトハットがDS粛清作戦。

10-08-2021重磅战略分析-宝岛之战! https://t.co/EdhnWMcddy より

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元悪代官とパンツ泥棒。レプで李氏朝鮮の緊縮財政 岸田両班内閣。

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アフリカの人たちは命に対して貪欲。それに比べて何てお人よしで何も学ばない極東の某国民。枠チンで数千万人人口削減されようとしていてもレレレと核の地上起爆されてもまだ に気付かずに熱中している。 https://t.co/zrwmvnrnmY

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China USA同時デフォルトか?!トヨタもお掃除対象企業に。

中国恒大集団&アメリカ財政同時デフォルト「金融の秋」 https://t.co/7MmLYyWlPk

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