Happy birthday Diamond! 2 years old tomorrow and 28,000 diversity forms completed.

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Insightful report about Workforce Diversity in UK Screen Industries . . https://t.co/fXaKzFz6hZ DIAMOND will enrich the evidence base further, providing consistent diversity monitoring across UK TV production.

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Are you a DIAMOND company Download quick facts, logos and other resources here https://t.co/dtNzBsPyXO. And do let everyone know that you are supporting diamond

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Are you reflected in Diamond? If you work in and have received an email about completing a diversity form, please do fill it in to ensure that YOU are represented in UK workforce statistics.

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Dazzled by DIAMOND? If you work in and want some quick DIAMOND facts click here https://t.co/hvueMrlkXg It only takes a few minutes to submit your form and be part of Diamond

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