# aiart

今話題?の Image-fx で「修理中の初音ミクさん」と指示したらなんかミクさんでかいんだけどなんでww

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ImageFXちょっと使ってみたけど、ほとんど工夫しないpromptでこれは結構いいな…。あと「little girl」入れるだけで生成されにくくなるの、DALL-E3より妄想力豊かかも(^^;
DALL-E3, Flux, ImageFX と使ってみると、Fluxだけうまく使えてない。多分絵柄周りのpromptへの反応が大分違う…かなぁ?

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ImageFX was a good one to have in the image-processing toolkit though. As soon as I got an understanding of what an alpha-channel was, I started hacking-up greyscale alpha-channel images in Brilliance and using them to separate out images for WBench pics and Worms landscapes. 👍

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But seriously, with ADPro, ImageFX, and Brilliance installed, you could really to a ton of cool work with images. 🤔 I think I did a lot of separating out elements of images with alpha-channels, so I could re-assemble them with a limited colour-palette for workbench backgrounds.

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