Kennel 9 is growing again. Here we have two new recruits .. infiltration expert and advanced warfare specialist, joining the team lead and ...
Gaelstone Media

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When it comes to they have state of the art technology and equipment. Here is their multi-purpose attack jeep. to roll into action.

Gaelstone Media

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Here are the first two characters from team leader, the anti-armor trooper. They are the last line of defence against
Gaelstone Media
Art by: Sean Tourangeau (me)

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Allow us to introduce the main vehicle arsenal of Action Mice. We have the the and the Gaelstone Media
Global Genesis Group

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Code Name:
Rank: Command Sgt. Major (CSM) E9
- Dashing hero
- Leader of Elite Action Team
- Skilled Commander
- All round cool guy
- Favorite Saying:

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