On 1/15 hits stores. Dangerous plots are concocted. Violent battles are fought. Complex investigations are undertaken. And sage llama wisdom is bestowed. Can Napoleon and his gang save and from uncertain fates?

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In Part 2, we will tackle a number of timely and vital subjects: the three food groups, freedom of the press, respecting the flag, and mole men. Civics has never been so flippin' sweet, gosh!

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When the time comes, carry a big sword, & always, ALWAYS ride a liger into battle. For that time is in September, when unleashes Napoleon Dynamite It's gonna be flipping sweet! For now, check out this variant cover by !

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In September, is bringing to comics. You can be rest assured the flyest Dynamite of all will be joining the adventure -- is bringing the illest cover for issue too -- as you can see here! This Fall, we

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