画質 高画質

←2019/4/21 2024/5/20→
I would be happy if my drawings improved even a little.

2 14

Colored Doodle

Practice, practice, practice... Overall, I'm trying to get better at drawing faces without as much trial and error, slowly improving... More expressions practice is gonna be needed soon!

Lirin doesn't feel quite right without the multiple highlights on her hair.

49 202

Watching my own style changes (and improvement) is interesting and kinda encourage myself a lot to draw more…😳

(2020 -> 2021 -> 2024)

72 756



I think I can improve more.

I wish you… https://t.co/MTE7ChtknW

13 89

Asuka fanart
I try to improve..

39 355

Ayo tunjukkan art! improvement mu itu dari pas awal awal mulai serius gambar sampe sekarang, sender mulai duluan, sama” sketch dan makan waktu sekitaran 2 jam 😂

0 16

this is the first time i got celestial in the first day of a month maybe im improving!!! 🥺🥺🥺 ( prob not)

1 69

Mau pamerin art! Improvement sender:D 2 Bulan lalu vs Sekarang

1 67

Artist! Jujur ak merasa gamabrky dikit bgt improve nya bleh bagi tips buat pemula kah? Soalnya aku baru mulai gambar bnran awal tahun ini 😭😭😭 makasi yaa

0 21

tunjukin art! kamu awal pandemi 2020 vs now, let's see the improvement!!💜🫧

1 34

Art! Aku kecanduan gambar Orter sampe2 gambarku sendiri improve gara2 dia wkwwk, apkah ada yg sama?

0 2

沒有進步,但是對於寶可領航員 / 百變怪變身終於推出第一本完整漫畫還是蠻有成就感的🐍🌟

My skill improved few, but I'm still proud of my first doujinshi of Pokenavi / Ditto Transform🐍🌟

18 166

art! kiri sebelum belajar color theory, kanan setelah ngerti dikit tentang color theory. aside that, ternyata anatominya juga improve. bangga dikit 🤏

4 219

WE ARE 10K!!!!!! Really, really, REALLY THANK YOU, everyone 💕💕💕 Really, you don't know how this means to me, its like, insane, think that 10.000 people like my arts. I really want to improve more and more to make better content for you guys.
Again, thank you so much aaaa~💕💕

32 262

art! sender lagi coba2 gambar pose. overall, kira2 begini udah oke belom ya? atau ada kah yang kurang/harus di-improve? tia artists^^

0 5

artist! when improve pesat setelah lama gak gambar tapi kalo gambar oc jadi beda banget mukanya

0 9

I'm sorry I was trolling
please accept this improved bnnuy akk for my apology 🙏

238 1584


I don't like the upscaling process, but I will try to improve it in time.🥺

I also have a Pixiv account, please check it out. 👇 https://t.co/1tVNIJuxCl

32 305

Self potrait art!

Btw ak lg nyoba ngubah sdikit color tone ku sama ngimprove gambar rambutku... tp... ini lama² ak liat gambarku kek gambar dr picrew😭😭

0 17