Hey I'm the 2d art lead for F4NV but I am also working on a sci-fi Metroidvania named Check it out.

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You could check this out or you check out the scifi side scroller game I'm making named Like alien or dead space as a side scroller.

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I'm using a combo of lighting effects and skeletal animation in my game Also trying out the reflective material on glass of the helmet.

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WIP I've added some additional bones to the face rig of the playable character in Adds to the 3d illusion. Still making tweaks. :)

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Here's the character idling in my scifi game When you equip items I made it so they are visible on the character.

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Today I'm working on adding some 3d looking floors and a shadow for the character in my game It's a scifi metroidvania I'm working on.

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