Marvel Tales Of New Earth-616 - Medusa By Jee-Hyung Lee

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I fed vague descriptions of Hasbro's to and what I got wasn't remotely accurate but are some wild giant monster designs.

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Also as always I support Inhumanoids

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Inhumanoids What Happened Next By StriderSyd

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Inhumanoids Sandra Shore By cwmodels

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Inhumanoids watercolor! Thanks for the suggestion, this was fun to make

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Reign Of Darkness & Villainy Month - Inhumanoids D’Compose By Kelly Williams

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Reign Of Darkness & Villainy Month - The Inhumanoids by grantgoboom

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Hasbroverse Flashback Friday! Marvel>DC Comics Cover Date May 1987 - Storylines/Events: G.I. Joe Order Of Battle - Divergent Paths - Mechanical Difficulties - Inhumanoids - Matt Trakker…Outlaw

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Hasbroverse Flashback Friday! Marvel>DC>Marvel UK Cover Date March 1987 - Storylines/Events: Strange Bedfellows - G.I. Joe and the Transformers - G.I. Joe Yearbook - Masquerade - Inhumanoids - Funeral For A Friend! - Resurrection Pt.1&2 - Afterdeath! Pt.1&2

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Danguard Ace, Starvengers aka Getter Robo G, Hanna Barbara Godzilla & The Inhumanoids. 2 Super Robot Shows + 2 Kaiju Shows = No Drawing For 2 hrs For Me 🤩👍🏾

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Shogun Warriors, The Inhumanoids and Fantastic Four immediately pop up into my mind 🤩👍🏾

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Both Transformers and GIJOE were produced by Sunbow/Marvel They used SFX from all over. Star Wars, The Black Hole, and many more. Which "Kaiju" are you talking about? It is highly possible they re-used the same sounds across series, and possibly in Inhumanoids.

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💥 Ex-Hasbro designer and concept artist, Tom Renk, sent us these incredible original unused concepts that were proposed at the very beginning of the line. The last image was intended to be a backpack!! 💥

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