Dig: My opal polishing workshop today definitely influenced what I drew for this prompt! https://t.co/EBNCki1zZD

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RIP: I kept reading it as RIP - but wasn’t keen on what I drew for it.. I kept thinking maybe listing things I’d let go of, but it was just not working out. This is a weird middle ground for the prompt I think. https://t.co/X1ySHPCpbu

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Chef: This led to a rabbit hole of looking into where the chef’s hat came from, and gosh there are some silly myths floating about! https://t.co/YTiz2o3EWs

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Dizzy: this roundabout is very based on one from my childhood, all metal and peril 💕 https://t.co/5X6rYl0ADr

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Rocket. I feel like this is from the same story as yesterday’s Outpost. I’m enjoying this style of illustration and I can see my improvement since last year https://t.co/n8htjIWZuR

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Outpost: Found this a very tricky one to get an idea for, but when it arrived I liked it! https://t.co/pp0zQrNoI8

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Armour (armor): what was designed to protect us also restricts us.

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Throw. Maybe would have been more accurate for ‘splat’ but it still fits I think. https://t.co/pWADavCK5k

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Blade: Enjoyed doing something different with the background of this one.. was very tempted to leave the knife fully white on that background... https://t.co/TTMCnw7mIB

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Wisp: Wasn’t quite sure what I’d end up doing here, and I was ready to delete it until I suddenly found an angle. Still not quite happy with it but done is better than perfect. https://t.co/R6bEefp3ym

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