Our mission at Abusix is to make the internet a safer place, so Happy Safer Internet Day! 😎

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Me, glancing at my intergalactic page-a-day calendar while on our HoloNet FaceTime call: “Oh btw, happy Chelli!”

*Typing* 😏😈

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Saying it online doesn't make it any less offensive.

Be kind. Make the web a safer place for everyone.

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may be over, but it's always important to be conscious of our screen time

Old Macdonald Had A Phone is the latest book in Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross's Online Safety Picture Books.

Watch Jeanne perform the reinvented nursery rhyme: https://t.co/ugXUUEH3cw

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Here is a selection of work from Year 5, inspired by Mr VDG's video for - the children have used Purple Mash, Scratch and PowerPoint, among other platforms!

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is out this week!

The animals learn about ‘screen time’ in the 4th online safety book following & All perfect for

Download teaching resources written by here: https://t.co/zQk94BUx7x

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Old Macdonald had a phone, e-i-e-i-o. But what happens when all the animals get phones?

This brilliant new cautionary tale is out next week, just in time for And we’ve teamed up with to create new FREE teaching resources: https://t.co/zQk94BUx7x

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Morning, everyone.

Today is National Hermit Day, National Cat Day and International Internet Day. I'm going be leaving in a little bit to do a thing.

Have a happy.

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Miss Holloway read Big Decision to Y1&2 for this morning. They then considered what Digiduck may (or should) have been thinking. Remember, never share personal information online.

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Billy Goat is messing about with the farmer's mobile when he discovers a troll's number. Grandpa says trolls are bad, so Billy decides to send mean messages. After all, trolls really do stink! Don't they?

is another great picture book for

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This take a trip around the world wide web! Here's an exclusive look at international posters for in theaters November 21.

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Happy Cat+Internet Day!!! 😻💖Nya nya nyayaya 🐱

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