『ドラえもん科学ワールドspecial みんなのためのデジタル入門』小学館。2022年11月16日発売。935円。
デジタルって何? IoTで何がつながる? これからの時代、暮らしに無くてはならない存在となるデジタルの基本知識とIT用語を、ドラえもんのまんがとともにわかりやすく解説する。

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How does AI draw an abstract sketch?

🟠The new way to turn photos of natural scenes into abstract drawings.

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ifsome1 pissed inmy flower vase;esp;ecially if there were flower s in iot aklreweady;i;d be really uposet too;bc the salt could probably hurt the flowers;& urineseems like an "acid"(niot actual acid; but it seems "acidic") to me-iofound a somh i like a lot;i;ll link it in reply

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『ドラえもん科学ワールドspecial みんなのためのデジタル入門』

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The music of pleasure v1.0 project

Each shape is drawn with vector lines following the sound wave through time. Sound wave came from a musical pieces developed from the data of the woman's masturbation session. Sessions were monitored with the help of IOT smart vibrator device.

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