Great Wroggi w pack VS Iodrome w pack
Location Is Flooded Forest

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I is for... Izuchi? I suppose he is fluffy as hell, so that does grant him a spot over Iodrome.

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Next is Unova. Begin with Cilan and Chili. Cilan has a Gendrome and Chili an Iodrome. Weak raptors with the colors and each one has a gimmick.

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Iodrome's hide is perfect for making strong armor and is used in expensive leather products. As an Iodrome becomes more poisonous, the monster's hide will gain a deep hue and become virtually black/purple.

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Iodrome and an Ioprey from Monster Hunter.

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More chibis to show you today. I think I drew them more than 4 years ago. Had to pull them from my old art page, so please excuse the compressed quality.

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Here's a "fanart" for Iodrone/Iadrone after reading two mispellings of Iodrome.

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