The many faces of artificial intelligence. My prompts ranged from like to like The technology is in its infancy. Interesting times ahead.

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Irving Penn - Three Asaro mudmen, New Guinea (1970)

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inspired by an photo for The model in the photo was wearing ❤️

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L’expo ne fait pas l’impasse sur ses natures mortes et sa passion de l’infiniment petit. A voir absolument au !

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Honorée de signer une vingtaine de pages dans le hors-série sur le photographe à l'occasion de l'expo

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Superbe expo -Heureuse et honorée d'avoir écrit dans le hors-série sur ce grand photographe

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The Irving Penn exhibit at - beauuutiful photos, plus a fun thing: use Penn's studio backdrop for your photo!

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Where high meets fine art. Explore the rise of iconic 20th century photographer

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In celebration of the new show at the Met, our editors explore the photog's illustrious career

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